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Announcing Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 with a new way to manage links

Silverstripe 5.2.0 has just landed. In this release, we’re most excited about the new LinkField module that makes it easy to manage all types of links. Developers and content authors can expect numerous improvements. Working and building with Silverstripe CMS 5.2.0 is easier than ever!

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Tag: CX

Site of the month: The NZ Transport Agency

This month’s ‘Site of the Month’ is more than just a website. The NZ Transport Agency has built a digital platform that improves their customer experience and transforms the way the agency works in the public sector.


Are outdated myths holding your customer experience back?

SilverStripe CMO Nicole Williams busts some of the common myths holding companies back from outstanding customer experiences. 


The X factor: a better way to deliver

I am looking for it. You are probably looking for it, too. So how can we find it?


How delightful digital experiences boost customer loyalty

Digital experiences that meet expectations are no longer enough, we expect to be delighted. For the companies that meet this high bar the reward of higher loyalty, lower churn and increased revenues will be well worth the effort. 
