The last step before beta; SilverStripe CMS 3.0 alpha 2 is ready to download and test.
We have come a long way and we are half way there!
Here is what’s new in alpha 2:
- CMS JavaScript performance and perceived rendering improvements
- New dedicated "Add page" interface with page type descriptions
- Improved "Insert Link" dialog with cleaner styles
- Selected tabs and collapsed panels are now stored in a Cookie for a more consistent interface when returning later to the CMS
- Support for multi-byte page URLs (e.g. with German Umlauts). Flexible URL filtering through new URLSegmentFilter API
- Customisable HTML attributes on Form and FormField (which allows better usage of HTML5 and data attributes)
- New ORM has been further stabilised and API and documentation can be found at
- GridField has been restructured and the new API and documentation can be found at
- CMS Asset admin implements a GridField for viewing files and folders
Download the CMS and Framework here.
And as a side note, 3.0 alpha 1 will be no longer available to download.
If you test it, please report any bugs you find to
Thanks a lot to everyone who made this happen. To everyone who joined the Hackfest or submitted pull requests over the last few weeks.
If you want to be part of 3.0 beta, join the next Hackfest. Otherwise tell us what you think and feel free to help out where you can.