Last Sunday, a group of local developers came together in Wellington for the monthly SuperHappyDevHouse meeting.
Ingo Schommer did a talk on ModelAdmin (see 25 minute recording), and Nicolaas, one of the most prolific SilverStripe-website builders in our community, offered his thoughts on why SilverStripe beats building your own hand-built PHP solution:
A few weeks earlier, a SilverStripe meetup was also held in San Francisco. This was organised by developers in our community. The hosts, Jep and Phil, explained, "Most attendees already had experience with other CMSs like Joomla and Drupal. They were looking for something new, because they were aware of the limitations of existing solutions. It was interesting to see how quickly they grasped the main concepts of SilverStripe: easy-to-use UI for the editor, elegant OO API for the developers."