eNTiDi software
Rovato, Brescia, Italy
eNTiDi software is an italian enterprise specialised in open source software development for the industrial sector.
A one-man enterprise, I have more than 20 years of experience in programming and, more specifically, 10 years of PHP under my belt.
I began developing my own PHP4 framework in 2004 (the "TiP preprocessor") and gradually shifted to SilverStripe starting from 2009 after a careful selection.
My real strength is the back end side. I am quite confident of my programming skills, either inside and outside of PHP, so I can try unusual solutions to hard problems.
On the opposite, my weakness is the front end side. I am simply not as good in communication, both on the image and on the text side. I am a strong supporter of the UNIX philosophy (do one thing and do it well) so I am not willing to improve this situation.
Looking for partnerships with entities with the reverse features: strong front end and weak back end.
Contact eNTiDi software
Email: ti.iditne@dtn
Brescia, Italy
viale fossato, 56
Rovato, Brescia 25038
Fontana Nicola