kiveo, LLC
Tryon, North Carolina, United States
kiveo provides web-centric application programming and application support to Western North Carolina and the greater Central Atlantic region. Although for in-house produced projects we use strict PHP OOP programming practices and frameworks (such as SilverStripe's Sapphire), we also provide support and migration services for customers on legacy systems.
kiveo prides ourselves on offering top-notch customer service, standards compliance, and adherence to Open Source principles. You'll find our blog flecked with stories of how customers inspired us, projects we're giving back to the community on, and can find us in and out of the SilverStripe blogs. Our general bread and butter, so to speak, is custom programming / data management and customer support and training. In addition to SilverStripe related development, we provide general PHP development (including relational database and NoSQL databases), some iPhone and Android development as well as third-party product support and training.
Give us a ring today, or drop by our website (powered by SilverStripe, of course) and touch base with us. We'd love to hear from you!
Contact kiveo, LLC
Email: ten.oevik@ofni
North Carolina, United States
133 N Trade St
Tryon, North Carolina 28782
United States