The Brief:
AsureQuality play a vital role in making sure food produce is safe for millions of people worldwide, through auditing, inspection, farm assurance, and laboratory testing. They needed a professional online presence to help convey their premiere reputation as a trusted partner of food suppliers around the globe.
Fit for purpose
Somar sat down with AsureQuality to help streamline the goals and information architecture of their website. The site acts as an extensive knowledge base of technical information, so we made sure it featured intuitive front-end navigation, a comprehensive internal search engine, and that it was easy to manage via the SilverStripe CMS.
Achieving results
AsureQuality also wanted multilingual video content, customer login areas, and customisable call-to-action components to help drive email enquiries to the business. We delivered all of these high-priority features on time and within budget, thanks to our Agile methodology and efficient project management.
Working together
Somar believe in no surprises, and an on-going conversation between the product owner and our design / development team from the start to the finish of a project. AsureQuality are based in Auckland, and Somar is (mostly) in Wellington. After the initial face-to-face meeting, we worked via Skype, email, phone, and the JIRA project management platform. Frequent communications made sure roadblocks were dealt with early, and everyone felt in the loop.
Overcoming challenges
Every project has issues and roadblocks. Somar roll with the punches and learn from everything we do:
Multi-language content
The AsureQuality website included subsites that required different language support, such as Arabic where the content runs from right to left. Somar created a flexible template that allowed for mirroring of text and images, all within the same CMS to make it easier for the site administrators.
Issues with content structure
The original AsureQuality website had too many navigation items, multiple menus and a confusing structure. To make the site more user-friendly we overhauled the information architecture (IA) and created a more streamlined navigation menu. This update also made content maintenance a lot easier.
Get in Touch
Contact us on hello@somar.co.nz or call 04 385 1075.