Mondovi is a very good position because it’s ideally situated within reach of Torino, Liguria, Langhe and France, in the middle of southern Piemonte’s most important infrastructures.

The surroundings of the city with access to plenty of small towns rich in history, art and natural beauty such as Langhe’s hills, Alps and plains where one can enjoy skiing, relax oneself in thermal baths and be delight by typical foods and wine that are famous all over the world.
The strength of this site is the accessibility of information to the majority of citizens, with a particular attention to the visually impaired. As the structure of the site is fully developed in XHTML 1.0 strict the site is accessible by screen readers and other devices. In addition, the site is accessible starting from the Internet Exploer 6.
The tree structure provided by SilverStripe has been particularly useful for managing the granularity of access to more than 50 employees of the municipality dealing with the data entry, with three different levels of access controlled by a custom WorkFlow.