Portal mamaaja.sk actually includes several projects in one.
As Mummy and me is magazine, its based on articles, which are organised in a clear structure - by topic (pregnancy, child health ...) and also by the origin of the article (editorial articles, PR articles, stories of readers).
There is a system of related articles, images and products, discussions and ratingof the content of the portal.
Portal includes also separated part such as:
"flea" market
DB of maternity hospitals
Users can register for receive private messages, set up their blogs and photo albums. They have information about their postings on the portal - whether it is some stuff they offered on flea market or their comments in discussions etc...
Each section is designed in details and ready for expansion of other functions. Portal mamaaja.sk is still our largest project built on SilverStripe CMS. The content management system enables clear and easy management of all parts of the portal - articles, photo galleries, products and orders, contests, hospitals, advisories and administration of discussions ... etc.
Graphic design was created exactly for the target audience - we hope we created very gentle, harmonious and charming atmosphere of the portal.

- 28 May 2012