CMS feedback
General discussion & questions
As a site administrator, content author or developer, if you have a question or require help solving a problem in your Silverstripe CMS project, then our Forum, Stack Overflow and the Slack channel are the places to do so.
Report a bug
If you are a developer and would like to report a bug you can let the developer community know by logging an issue on the relevant GitHub repository.
If you are a content author please discuss with your developer if it is a known issue, otherwise feel free to raise the bug in the feedback form provided.
Providing feedback
Provide feedback about the Silverstripe CMS whether good or bad, we'd be happy to hear your thoughts. Your contributions will help improve the experience of the CMS for everyone! Examples of things to include in your feedback; Browser in use, CMS version, Modules used on the site, links to screenshots, URL of the site.