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Introduction to ModelAdmin

In this lesson: summary_fields, ModelAdmin, searchable_fields, search, LeftAndMain
Silverstripe CMS version: 4.x (stable)

In this lesson, we'll create the Property object that will drive most of the content in our application, and add a management interface for it in the CMS using ModelAdmin.


What we'll cover:

  • What is ModelAdmin, and when do I use it?
  • An overview of the CMS taxonomies
  • Building a standalone DataObject
  • Creating a ModelAdmin interface
  • Basic customisations for ModelAdmin
  • Adding our data to the template

What is ModelAdmin, and when do I use it?

In the last several lessons, we've talked a lot about DataObject content versus Page content. To recap, when content represents an entire page, which is to say, the $Layout section of our template, we subclass Page and manage this content in the site tree. When content is just part of a page, but merits its own editing interface, we use DataObjects. We looked at DataObject based content in our RegionsPage. While each Region object is part of a page, it needs its own editing tool. It wouldn't make sense to manage all that structured and repeating content on one page.

That all works great when DataObject content is hosted on a page, but what about generic content that is used all over the site, and doesn't belong to any specific parent? You might have a store that manages products, or a microlending site with many projects. This type of content really merits a dedicated management console in the CMS. Binding it to a page would be both confusing for the content author, and add unnecessary complexity to your data model. Another example is content that you want to manage in the CMS that is never displayed to the public. Think of a business that manages a vast list of customers and orders. This type of content is only visible to admins, and binding it to a page doesn't make any sense.

What we're talking about here is the idea of standalone DataObjects. They're free-floating in our system -- managed, but not bound to any specific hierarchy. For this type of content, we use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin.

When we create a ModelAdmin interface, we get a new top-level section of the CMS, living among Pages, Files, Security, etc., that is dedicated to managing content per our specification. The great thing about ModelAdmin is that you can get up and running really fast, and customisations come fairly cheap.

An overview of CMS taxonomies

Before we start writing code, let's take a step back a bit and look at the bigger picture of how the CMS is architected and how it relates to ModelAdmin.


Every top-level "page" you use in the CMS -- that is, Pages, Files, Security, Reports, and Settings -- is a subclass of SilverStripe\Admin\LeftAndMain. LeftAndMain is kind of the matriarch of the entire CMS. It oversees and handles everything from permissions, to generating edit forms, to CSS and JavaScript bootstrapping, to request negotiation, to saving and deleting records. All of that said, the primary job of this behemoth is to provide a secure user interface that contains a Left section, like the site tree, or a search form, and a Main section, which is often an edit form. I know you're probably wondering, based on that, how did they come up with the name LeftAndMain? If you think of it, please let me know as soon as you figure it out. It's had me puzzled for years.

Any subclass of LeftAndMain will automatically get added to the main menu in the CMS. All you have to do is provide templates that define its Main section, and another that defines its Tools section. ModelAdmin is an example of a class that does that, and it makes a lot of assumptions about what we want in both sections, so it's supremely easy to get started.

Building a standalone DataObject

As I said before, in this tutorial we're going to tackle the main content type in our application -- the property object, which represents any given holiday rental that an end user can rent, or that any property owner can let out. The property object will undoubtedly continue to grow with our application, but for now, we're just focused on giving them a home in the CMS, so let's keep it simple for now. Let's just give this object all the fields it needs for its representation on the home page.

Looking at the home page, we can see that we need the following fields:

  • Price per night
  • Photo
  • Title
  • Region
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Number of bathrooms

Further, we know that these properties displaying on the home page must have some special attribute assigned to them, so let's add a FeaturedOnHomepage field as well.


namespace SilverStripe\Lessons;

use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TextField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\DropdownField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CurrencyField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxField;
use SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms\UploadField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayLib;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Image;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TabSet;

class Property extends DataObject

    private static $db = [
        'Title' => 'Varchar',
        'PricePerNight' => 'Currency',
        'Bedrooms' => 'Int',
        'Bathrooms' => 'Int',
        'FeaturedOnHomepage' => 'Boolean'

    private static $has_one = [
        'Region' => Region::class,
        'PrimaryPhoto' => Image::class,

    public function getCMSfields()
        $fields = FieldList::create(TabSet::create('Root'));
        $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', [
            CurrencyField::create('PricePerNight','Price (per night)'),
            CheckboxField::create('FeaturedOnHomepage','Feature on homepage')
        $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Photos', $upload = UploadField::create(
            'Primary photo'


        return $fields;

Most of this is straightforward, but let's look at a few peculiarities that might be jumping out at you.

  • Currency field type: We have a Currency field type in our $db array, and a CurrencyField in our field list. They work nicely with each other to provide the correct formatting for currency, and ensure that the value is preceded by a currency symbol.
  • RegionID as a name for the DropdownField: Why do we have to explicitly append ID in this case? Other fields, like UploadField just accept the name of the has_one field, like Photo, without the requirement to name the exact database field. It's a bit confusing for sure, but keep in mind that a DropdownField doesn't always save to a has_one. It could just as well be saving to a text field. Other form fields that work only with data relationships know how to resolve the name of a relationship to a database column, but DropdownField is multi-purpose and fairly data model agnostic, so that's all that's going on here.
  • ->setSource() on the DropdownField: Nothing too crazy here. This method tells the dropdown field what options are available in its list. You can provide the list as the third argument to DropdownField, but I find that it makes the code more readable to assign it in a chained method.
  • ArrayLib::valuekey(): Like CheckboxSetField, DropdownField takes an array where the keys are the data that will be saved when the option is selected, and the values of the array are labels that will be displayed for each option. Often times, they're the same. The ArrayLib::valuekey() function just mirrors the keys and values of an array.
  • range(1,10): This is a simple PHP function that creates an array containing a range of elements. It doesn't have to be numeric. range('A', 'C') will give you an array containing ['A','B','C'], for instance.
  • ->setEmptyString(): This is the default, dataless option in our list. We don't want the dropdown to default to the first region listed, because that would be arbitrary. Rather, we want the user to explicitly declare the region the property is in. For bedrooms and bathrooms, it's fine if those default to 1.

Alright, now that we have all that sorted, let's run dev/build.

Creating a ModelAdmin interface

We'll now create the ModelAdmin interface that will give us a place to hang all these Property records. A basic ModelAdmin interface is exceedingly simple to create.


namespace SilverStripe\Lessons;

use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin;

class PropertyAdmin extends ModelAdmin

    private static $menu_title = 'Properties';

    private static $url_segment = 'properties';

    private static $managed_models = [

That's it! Let's walk through it:

  • $menu_title: The title that will appear in the left-hand menu of the CMS.
  • $url_segment: The URL part that will follow admin/ to access this section. In this case, the path to our ModelAdmin interface will be admin/properties.
  • $managed_models: An array of class names that will be managed. Each ModelAdmin can manage multiple models. Each one is placed on its own tab across the top of the screen. In this case, we just have one, but we'll be adding more down the track.

We created a new class, so we need to run a ?flush. Let's do that and go into the CMS to see what we got. You should see a new Properties tab on the left. Give it a try, and see if you can add a few new Property records.

Making customisations

Now that we've got our simple editing UI, we can start to customise it a bit to make it more powerful and user-friendly for our content editors.

Adding $summary_fields

We'll start with what we've seen before. $summary_fields gives us control over what fields display in list view.


    private static $summary_fields = [
        'Title' => 'Title',
        'Region.Title' => 'Region',
        'PricePerNight.Nice' => 'Price',
        'FeaturedOnHomepage.Nice' => 'Featured?'

Notice that we can use dot-separated syntax to invoke methods on each field. We know that Region is a has_one, so getting the RegionID is useless. We'll instead get the region's title, which is much more friendly. Region.Title translates to $this->Region()->Title.

We also want to take advantage of the Currency field type that we used. Remember that it, too, returns an object. Most of the time, it just renders itself as a string, but we can invoke methods on it. In this, case the Nice method offered by the Currency class will give us a nicely formatted price with a currency symbol, commas, and decimal values.

Boolean field types are quite generous, as well. We can invoke the Nice() method to return a value of Yes or No, translated per the user's locale.

Providing a custom icon

Right now, the tab for our Properties section of the CMS is using a pretty generic icon, and if we have several of these custom admins, they won't be easily distinguished. Let's give it our own icon.

Find the property.png file that is included in the __assets/ directory of this lesson and move it into public/icons.

namespace SilverStripe\Lessons;

use SilverStripe\Admin\ModelAdmin;

class PropertyAdmin extends ModelAdmin

    private static $menu_title = 'Properties';

    private static $url_segment = 'properties';

    private static $managed_models = [

    private static $menu_icon = 'icons/property.png';   

We changed a static property, so we'll run ?flush and see that we have a new icon.

Customising the search form

Just like the fields displayed in list view, the fields that appear in the search form are also customisable in the class definition of the DataObject. All we have to do is define a new private static variable called $searchable_fields. By default, the DataObject will provide the same fields that are specified in $summary_fields, but that may not be what you're looking for. In this case, we have PricePerNight in our $summary_fields, but that's not necessarily a field we want to search on in the admin, so let's explicitly declare a $searchable_fields array to list what we want.


    private static $searchable_fields = [

Run a ?flush and see that we have a new search form that lets us search by the title of the property, and the title of its associated region.

Searching by region title is nice, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for this to be a free text field, since our regions are a known list. It really should be a dropdown that allows us to choose from all the regions that have been added to the database. That way, the user doesn't have to worry about making a spelling error, and has a better idea of what's in the system.

In order to do that, we'll have to write some executable code, which can't be placed in a static variable assignment, so let's change private static $searchable_fields to public function searchableFields(), and we'll return an array.

namespace SilverStripe\Lessons;

use SilverStripe\ORM\DataObject;
use SilverStripe\Forms\FieldList;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TextField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\DropdownField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CurrencyField;
use SilverStripe\Forms\CheckboxField;
use SilverStripe\AssetAdmin\Forms\UploadField;
use SilverStripe\ORM\ArrayLib;
use SilverStripe\Assets\Image;
use SilverStripe\Forms\TabSet;

class Property extends DataObject

    public function searchableFields()
        return [
            'Title' => [
                'filter' => 'PartialMatchFilter',
                'title' => 'Title',
                'field' => TextField::class,
            'RegionID' => [
                'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
                'title' => 'Region',
                'field' => DropdownField::create('RegionID')
                    ->setEmptyString('-- Any region --')                
            'FeaturedOnHomepage' => [
                'filter' => 'ExactMatchFilter',
                'title' => 'Only featured'              


When we define searchableFields(), we need to be much more explicit about how we want our search form configured. Each field we include has to be mapped to an array containing three keys:

  • filter: The type of filter that should be used in the search. For a full list of available filters, see framework/src/ORM/Filters. For title, we want a fuzzy match, so we use PartialMatchFilter, and since regions are filtered by ID, we want that to be an ExactMatchFilter.
  • title: The label that will identify the search field
  • field: You have three options here.
    • You can provide a string, representing the FormField class you want, as we did with Title.
    • If you want something more complex, however, you can use a FormField object. In this case, I've instantiated a DropdownField much like the one we used in our getCMSFields function.
    • Another option is to just leave this undefined, and the DataObject will ask the fieldtype for its default search field, as we did with our FeaturedOnHomepage field. Every field type knows how to render its own search field. In this case, Boolean gives us a nice dropdown of three options: Yes, No, or Any, which is perfect. A CheckboxField would be either on or off. It wouldn't allow us to opt out of that filter.

Give the search form a try now. It feels a little better, right?

Adding versioning

Properties are perhaps the most important elements on this entire website, so we'll want to ensure they have a draft state. We'll also add an $owns property for the primary photo, so it gets published as well.

use SilverStripe\Versioned\Versioned;

class Property extends DataObject
  private static $owns = [

  private static $extensions = [

  private static $versioned_gridfield_extensions = true;

    public function searchableFields()

Run a dev/build to get the new tables.

Importing data

If you haven't been doing so all along, it's probably a good time to import a database from the __assets/database.sql file in the completed version of this lesson. That file will add many sample properties to the database for you, which will really help when testing features like search and sort.

Don't forget to copy over the assets/ folder, too. The property photos are in there.

Adding properties to the template

The last step is simple. Let's just write a method in our HomePage controller that gets the featured properties.


namespace SilverStripe\Lessons;

use PageController;

class HomePageController extends PageController

    public function FeaturedProperties()
        return Property::get()
                    'FeaturedOnHomepage' => true

Now let's render the output to the template.

app/templates/SilverStripe/Lessons/Layout/ (line 118)

<% loop $FeaturedProperties %>
<div class="item col-md-4">
    <div class="image">
        <a href="$Link">
            <span class="location">$Region.Title</span>
    <div class="price">
        <span>$PricePerNight.Nice</span><p>per night<p>
    <ul class="amenities">
        <li><i class="icon-bedrooms"></i> $Bedrooms</li>
        <li><i class="icon-bathrooms"></i> $Bathrooms</li>
<% end_loop %>

You may have noticed that we deliberately added a non-existent method, $Link to the property. That's okay. It will just get ignored for now, but in the future, we'll add that method, and we won't have to come back here to make the update.

Reload the page and see your featured properties!

Keep learning!

Controller Actions / DataObjects as Pages

In this lesson, we'll introduce the concept of a controller action, which is a URL route that executes a function on a controller.

Building a Search Form

In this lesson, we'll create a form that can filter our listings by multiple parameters.

Lists and Pagination

In this lesson, we'll do an overview of different types of lists in SilverStripe, and we'll use PaginatedList to add pagination to our search results.