Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
UPDATEThe release timeline has been updated - we will be using the latter end of...
Free London Developer Training Announced For March 2015
SilverStripe's CEO and original lead developer, Sam Minnée, will be leading two 1-day SilverStripe training... read
SilverStripe Announces First Northern Hemisphere Office and February Events
It's shaping up to be an exciting year for SilverStripe as we open our first... read
Open source academy: Bootstrapping the next generation of SilverStripe developers
Each year (since 2011), Catalyst runs the Open Source Academy — a two week summer... read
SilverStripe 3.1.9 Security Release
SilverStripe 3.1.9 stable is now available, and all users of 3.1.8 or older are strongly... read
SilverStripe core committers hangout #1 2015 [video]
Core Committer Google Hangout Video and Minutes from 6th Jan 2015 read
SilverStripe.org updates - Manage your email preferences, syntax highlighting and other improvements
The team here at SilverStripe have just rolled out some improvements to the silverstripe.org community website. read
Silverstripers support Sustainable Coastlines: Building the "Love your water" website at impactNPO
In September, impactNPO held it's first Charity Hackfest in Auckland. read
SilverStripe vs. Drupal, a developer's perspective [repost]
Originally Published on QuinnLabs.com read
SilverStripe automation with Composer
First of all, if your not using composer to manage your projects dependencies yet then... read
Public beta of the new SilverStripe documentation website
The short story…Go play with the new documentation website at beta.doc.silverstripe.org read
Managing events with SilverStripe: A new calendar module
Follow me on a little path down on memory lane: read
Common Web Platform awarded for Best Use of Open Source in Government
The New Zealand Open Source Awards recognise and promote the contributions of New Zealanders to... read
Using feedback to drive progress
Creating websites and software is always a never-ending journey with a constantly expanding task list. read
Open Source Developers' Conference 2014
This years' open source developers conference (OSDC) was held in the sunny Gold Coast, at... read
Updated versioning for Subsites module
Anyone currently using the subsites module should be aware that there has been a recent... read
AWS re:Invent 2014: Highlights and analysis
Last week a trio of brave SilverStripers ventured to the harsh wilds of Las Vegas... read
SilverStripe 3.1.7 released
SilverStripe version 3.1.7 stable has been released today, you can get a copy from our... read
On Course: Why I want you to love your journey into SilverStripe
All SilverStripe developers started out in the same place. read
New Wellington Office For Expanding SilverStripe Team
Behind the scenes at SilverStripe we've been busy growing our team. read
SilverStripe.org - Updates to the community showcase
When we relaunched silverstripe.org last month we introduced a new featured showcase section. read
A Beginner's introduction to using Entwine in SilverStripe
Entwine is a jQuery library which allows you to add functions to groups of DOM... read