Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.
Tag: conference
Stripecon 2024 highlights
This year’s Stripecon conference was held in the beautiful Ljubljana Castle in Slovenia which, judging... read
Our trip to Semi Permanent 2018
What do you get when you add 1 design conference, 2 days and 4 SilverStripe designers? A whole lot of inspiration! Dani Smith summarises some of the Semi Permanent 2018 experience.
readUX New Zealand 2017: A recap
A team of SilverStripe designers and developers recap their time at the UX New Zealand conference for 2017. Discover their favourite talks from the two day event, which brought together local and international speakers with a shared passion for better UX.
readHamish's Quest For Glory In The Desolate North
CTO Hamish Friedlander shares his experiences as a speaker at the 2016 PHP UK Conference in London.
readLondon, Baby! Conference, Masterclass and Meetup
SilverStripe CTO Hamish Friedlander heads off to London to speak at PHP UK Conference 2016, run a masterclass on optimising website performance and attend SilverStripe London Meetup.
readVideo talks from StripeCon Europe 2015 released
The second annual StripeCon – the SilverStripe European Conference – was held on the 16th... read
Speakers confirmed for StripeCon 2015
Speakers have been confirmed for StripeCon 2015 - The SilverStripe European Conference 2015 - a... read
Reflections on AgileNZ 2015
Some SilverStripers attended the 2015 Agile New Zealand conference 1 - 2 September in Wellington. read
Talk videos from PHP conference warm-up out now
We wrap up our PHP conference blog series today by giving you what you have... read
Carlos Barberis on Amy Palamountain’s “Making Desktop apps With JavaScript”
Today SilverStripe Senior Developer - Carlos Barberis - shares his thoughts on Amy Palamountain's talk... read
Personal highlights from the New Zealand PHP Conference 2015
The New Zealand PHP Conference 2015 that ran over 3 days (2 - 4 September)... read
The Dream Platform
On Friday and Saturday SilverStripe will be joining many of the industry leaders at LocalGovCamp... read
Brace yourself: PHP NZ Conference is coming!
In just one week, the biggest names in web development will be visiting Wellington for... read
AWS Summit 2015: 5 Key Learnings
Technical development is something we encourage at SilverStripe, particularly in technologies that are reshaping the... read
What Open Source // Open Society taught us
Open Source // Open Society was a compelling two days of confronting, wide ranging, exploratory... read
Open Source//Open Society: Why we're excited about being involved
Helping the Government become great at open source and gain all the benefits that come... read
Highlights from PHP Australia Conference
On March, 12th-13th, 200 developers converged on Sydney's Maritime Museum; for Australia's first PHP conference. read
Open Source Developers' Conference 2014
This years' open source developers conference (OSDC) was held in the sunny Gold Coast, at... read
AWS re:Invent 2014: Highlights and analysis
Last week a trio of brave SilverStripers ventured to the harsh wilds of Las Vegas... read
NZ PHP Conference - Highlights from Shaunak Kashyap and John-Daniel Trask
Our final installment of speaker highlights has SilverStripe's UX Developer Michael Andrewartha sharing insights from... read
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