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Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release

Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.

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Tag: public sector

We're getting personal

While personalising first names in emails has become commonplace, there is a wider world of personalisation to be explored. For the final principle of the Powers of Persuasion series, we take a look at how your organisation can build trust online by personalising the user’s experience.


Trust Me

When we make decisions, we look to people we trust to decide what we should do. For the fifth principle of the Powers of Persuasion series, we take a look at how your organisation can build trust online.


Following the herd

When we're uncertain on how to behave, we look to others for guidance. For the fourth principle from our Powers of Persuasion eBook, we take a look at how you can use social proof in your communications to influence a person when they are making a decision.


Make Your Look Matter

An essential part of the online user experience is all about how you design your site. As the third principle from our Powers of Persuasion eBook, we are looking at how the look of your site can influence the user for the better!


Clickbait with a Conscience

Figuring out how to use clickbait to entice and influence your audience can be tricky. This month, we are looking at the second principle from our eBook “Powers of Persuasion" – using nice clickbait.


Influencing for good in the Public Sector

Influencing change in the public sector is tricky, especially when you’re trying to curb behaviour. In this post we look at just 1 of the 6 principles from our upcoming ebook on influencing for good, the principal being 'the magic of three'.


Busting Google Analytics engagement myths

In this guest post, Lana Gibson from Lanalytics busts some of the most common myths surrounding analytics while also clarifying how data can help to define success for your website. 


First CWP meetup reveals what makes or breaks an intranet

The first Common Web Platform (CWP) meetup attracted over 30 people eager to learn, revealing what trends we’ve seeing in intranets, what to watch out for when building one, and demonstrations of what NZ government agencies are doing in this space. 


Talk video on the CWP new themes

Talk video on the new themes developed for the Common Web Platform – from SilverStripe meetup in Auckland on 7 March, 2017.


Five simple solutions to break through user testing barriers

Are you the lone ranger of user testing in your company? We share some tips on breaking through barriers and creating a culture of listening to users. 


Getting New Zealand local government towards a digital leader

Recap of the 35th ALGIM conference - a digital future for local government.


SilverStripe Platform accepted into UK Government cloud services programme

SilverStripe Platform has been accepted into G-Cloud digital marketplace to be used by organisations across the UK public sector. This unlocks opportunities for UK digital agencies using SilverStripe open source software.


#LocalGovCamp15 - Government Platforms, Collaboration and Lego

We attended LocalGovCamp 2015 (LGC) last month. read

Cupcakes vs Gateaux: How Scrum Helped Christchurch City Council Deliver

Posted in Platform, Agile, Developers, Marketers, Company

Tagged CWP, local govt, council, public sector

by Tony Dale-Low

Posted 14 July 2015

Christchurch City Council recently launched their new website built on the NZ Government Common Web... read

Helping great web teams across the globe

For digital agencies, for developers, and for the open source community, SilverStripe is now based... read

Our first-ever #localgov Hack ‘n Mash

Guest post from Jason Dawson of ALGIM talks about the first SilverStripe sponsored "Hack n'... read show and tell at Wellington SilverStripe meetup

The Wellington SilverStripe meetup on the 25th March was host to some interesting talks from... read

Open Source//Open Society: Why we're excited about being involved

Helping the Government become great at open source and gain all the benefits that come... read