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SilverStripe Platform accepted into UK Government cloud services programme

SilverStripe Platform has been accepted into G-Cloud digital marketplace to be used by organisations across the UK public sector. This unlocks opportunities for UK digital agencies using SilverStripe open source software.

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We're proud to announce SilverStripe Platform has been accepted into G-Cloud digital marketplace, listed under Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). SilverStripe Platform can be used by organisations across the UK public sector including central government, local government, health, education, devolved administrations, emergency services, defence and not-for-profit organisations. This inclusion unlocks further opportunities for UK digital agencies using SilverStripe open source software.

Here’s what you need to know about G-Cloud and how to benefit from it.

What is G-Cloud?

G-Cloud (Government cloud) is a procurement service offered by The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) in the UK. The CCS acts on behalf of the Crown to drive savings for the taxpayer and improve the quality of commercial and procurement activity. G-Cloud framework is an agreement between the UK Government and suppliers of cloud-based services.

Sales through G-Cloud are rapidly growing as public sector bodies embrace the increased flexibility and cost savings that cloud-based services can offer. In August 2015, £753M was purchased through G-Cloud, a massive increase since the start of the year (sales were £479M in Jan 2015).

Screen Shot 2015 11 26 at 9.37.20 amSource: G-Cloud Sales Dashboard

Why is G-Cloud acceptance important?

Since opening an office in London, we’ve been soaking up as much knowledge as we can about the public sector and local government in the UK. We’ve attended a number of events such as LocalGovCamp, Share Digital and the SOCITM national conference. Across the board we keep hearing the same thing – austerity measures are putting huge pressure on councils to reduce costs. There’s a significant opportunity for open source software to play a part, but change is slow.

Even though GDS has highlighted the importance of open source software, there’s still some reticence around open source in the UK government. Whether the perception is that there are security risks, a lack of commercial backing, or simply that open-source systems are amateurish – the same old fear, uncertainty and doubt about open-source still persists in parts of local government.
CEO Sam Minnée speaking to Tech City News

We’ve seen first hand how open source can unlock massive savings through successful channel shift projects that reduce costs while providing high-quality services. Inclusion in the G-Cloud programme is a great step towards putting open source on an equal playing field against the incumbent proprietary players. While GDS has publicly supported open source software for years, local government seems slower to move away from expensive proprietary software.

How does this help SilverStripe agencies?

Public sector technology spending is set to rise with an announcement yesterday that £1.8bn will be invested in digital technology and transformation projects across the public sector over the next four years. SilverStripe Platform allows digital agencies to offer a commercially supported PaaS that is recognised by the UK Government to compliment your own service offerings.

We’ve worked with UK G-Cloud specialists to ensure that SilverStripe Platform made it past the strict vetting processes. Acceptance into G-Cloud recognises that the agreement is fully EU compliant, saving public sector agencies time and money conducting their own procurement exercises. Suppliers are carefully evaluated during the tender process and pre-agreed terms and conditions (viewable on our Digital Marketplace listing) offer sound contractual safeguards.

Digital outcomes and specialists

As well as using SilverStripe Platform to support your own offering you can also apply for your agency to become a Digital Outcome and Specialist.

This helps public sector agencies purchase the following services:

  • design
  • performance analysis and data
  • security
  • service delivery
  • software development
  • support and operations
  • testing and auditing
  • user research

Agencies will be able to apply to Digital Outcomes and Specialists when it opens on 30 November. New suppliers are expected to be announced in February 2016 (here’s the full details). Ensuring SilverStripe agencies are well represented in this programme helps build awareness and demand for SilverStripe open source. Please get in touch with our UK team if you plan on becoming a Digital Outcome/Specialist provider and would like to collaborate.

Next steps

About the author
Joel Edwards

Joel is known for being an all-rounder in everything SilverStripe. Previously an Agile Project Manager at SilverStripe HQ in Wellington, he is now the SilverStripe Ambassador in UK & Europe. In his spare time he enjoys baking, running, hiking and coffee.

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  • Great news! Thanks for your awesome work.

    Posted by Jeffrey Guo, 21/12/2015 11:29am (8 years ago)

  • This is amazing news guys!! Hat's off to the UK team, and those around the world supporting you in this!

    Posted by George, 27/11/2015 12:19pm (9 years ago)

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