Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.
Archive: September, 2018
StripeCon EU – Strength in numbers
More than 90 SilverStripe developers, agencies, and community members recently came together in the charming city of Enschede to celebrate the 5th StripeCon EU conference.
readSite of the Month: Vitora
September’s Site of the Month is Vitora by the skilled team at Web Torque, a digital agency and SilverStripe Professional Partner based in Auckland, New Zealand.
readUpdate on SilverStripe 5.x
Earlier this year the SilverStripe 3.x release line changed phases and the 5.x release is getting closer, so we thought it was time to give you all an update on where we’re at.
readMake Your Look Matter
An essential part of the online user experience is all about how you design your site. As the third principle from our Powers of Persuasion eBook, we are looking at how the look of your site can influence the user for the better!
readModule of the Month: Break out the SilverWare
September's Module of the Month is SilverWare, a component framework for SilverStripe 4 which allows you to build entire page templates and layouts from components that are configurable, extensible, and reusable.