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Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release

Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.

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Tag: Scrum

Agile project life cycle: incorporating design into Scrum workflows

In the second installment of a blog series on the Agile project life cycle, let's talk about how to create great web design using the Agile methodology, Scrum.


A day in a Scrum team - the interview with the Super Villains

Find out what a day in a Scrum team would look like from the interview with the Super Villains.


Reflections on AgileNZ 2015

Some SilverStripers attended the 2015 Agile New Zealand conference 1 - 2 September in Wellington. read