Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.
Tag: PHP
Our plan for ending PHP 5.6 support in SilverStripe 4
PHP 5.6 became End-of-Life in December 2018. In this post, we outline our plan for ending PHP 5.6 support in SilverStripe 4 and provide some guidance for customers.
readThe best glue: reflection on the PHP UK Conference 2017
On the 16th and 17th of February, a couple of SilverStripers from our UK office abandoned their duties as SilverStripe UK ambassadors and re-donned their PHP developer capes as they attended the PHP UK Conference. Here are their thoughts.
readTalk videos from PHP conference warm-up out now
We wrap up our PHP conference blog series today by giving you what you have... read
Carlos Barberis on Amy Palamountain’s “Making Desktop apps With JavaScript”
Today SilverStripe Senior Developer - Carlos Barberis - shares his thoughts on Amy Palamountain's talk... read
Personal highlights from the New Zealand PHP Conference 2015
The New Zealand PHP Conference 2015 that ran over 3 days (2 - 4 September)... read
Brace yourself: PHP NZ Conference is coming!
In just one week, the biggest names in web development will be visiting Wellington for... read
Today we are excited to announce… SilverStripe #codecomp
UncleCheese and I were looking over the silverstripe.org website recently when we came across the... read
Highlights from PHP Australia Conference
On March, 12th-13th, 200 developers converged on Sydney's Maritime Museum; for Australia's first PHP conference. read
NZ PHP Conference - Highlights from Shaunak Kashyap and John-Daniel Trask
Our final installment of speaker highlights has SilverStripe's UX Developer Michael Andrewartha sharing insights from... read
NZ PHP Conference - Highlights from Hamish Friedlander and Yusuke Ando
Today SilverStripe's Community Awesomeness Manager, Cam Findlay shares insights from NZ PHP Conference speaker and... read
NZ PHP Conference - Highlights from Nate Abele and Chris Pitt
Today we have highlights from two more NZ PHP Conference speakers. read
NZ PHP Conference - Highlights from Dave Clark & Thiago Almeida
Today SilverStripe developer Elliot Sawyer shares his highlights from two NZ PHP Conference speakers -... read
NZ PHP Conference - Highlights from Rasmus Lerdorf - Coding & Dreaming
It was fitting that the speaker chosen to kick off the first ever New Zealand... read
Win tickets to PHP Conference Wellington
The New Zealand PHP Conference is nearly here! Next Thursday & Friday (28th and 29th... read