Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.
Archive: August, 2014
Version number change for Translatable module
A short notice for users of the Translatable module. read
SilverStripe 3.1.6 is now out
We've now released the latest version of the SilverStripe framework, version 3.1.6. read
Win tickets to PHP Conference Wellington
The New Zealand PHP Conference is nearly here! Next Thursday & Friday (28th and 29th... read
[video] A tale of mockery: Mocking database records and web services in SilverStripe and testing using Behat
In this show and tell video I demonstrate how Behat integration tests can be run... read
Progressing the SilverStripe documentation: Where to next?
During the recent Wellington hackfest and online via the SilverStripe developers mailing list we started... read