Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release
Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.
Tag: gsoc
GSoC mid-term evaluation
Ingo Schommer, as one of the core SilverStripe developers, is one of the SilverStripe mentors... read
Wellington's May Meetup: Mobile CMS and GSoC explained
We've published two presentations from this week's Wellington SilverStripe developer community meetup. read
2012 Google Summer of Code Students and Projects announced
Sigurd Magnusson is one of SilverStripe’s three co-founders. read
Google Summer of Code 2009 project ideas
Summer of Code season is back for 2009! We've come up with programming challenges... read