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Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release

UPDATEThe release timeline has been updated - we will be using the latter end of...

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Tag: silverstripe cms 4

Announcing Silverstripe CMS 4.13.0 - transitioning to CMS 5

We’re excited to announce the release of Silverstripe CMS 4.13.0. read

Announcing Silverstripe CMS 4.12 with improved Gridfield UX

Silverstripe CMS 4.12.0 has just been released. It comes with a host of quality of life improvements and bug fixes. It also sets up some of the groundwork to transition to Silverstripe CMS 5 next year. Upgrade now for an improved content authoring experience.


Silverstripe CMS 4.11 is here with a new GraphQL release, more flexible previews, and PHP 8.1 compatibility

We've released Silverstripe CMS Recipe 4.11 and it comes with some exciting new features! Along... read

CMS 4.9 is here and it's jam-packed!

This release is jam-packed full of exciting improvements. Better website performance out of the box? Check. Stronger CMS account management of logged-in devices? Check. A new release pattern that gives faster access to bug fixes? Check. There’s even more too!


Announcing CMS 4.8! Providing stability, security patching, and support for the future of GraphQL

Silverstripe CMS 4.8 is here! In this release, we're introducing a smooth transition for projects to adopt the latest improvements to the new GraphQL v4 module and some security changes to the log-in process.


UnDigital pioneers the use of Silverstripe CMS within NSW Government

Customer experience agency, UnDigital, has been working with Landcom, the NSW Government’s land and property development organisation, to develop multiple websites using Silverstripe CMS. Both Landcom and UnDigital have been pleased with how simple it is to build exceptional websites. This article explores the different sites built by the team and shows the multiple elements of functionality available to Silverstripe CMS users.


Eyes on the APIs: How GraphQL 4 can help you create faster, more secure web projects that scale

The world of content management is becoming increasingly API-driven. Learn how you can use Silverstripe CMS to create a high-performing GraphQL API with just a few lines of configuration in this 45-minute presentation by Aaron Carlino (Uncle Cheese).


Announcing Silverstripe CMS 4.7!

We’re bringing in the new year with the recently released Silverstripe CMS 4.7. This release focuses on an improved view for Content Managers to track where files are being used in your project. Highlights for Developers include PHP 8 support, the ability to trigger actions from the toast notification component, plus a wide range of house-keeping improvements and fixes.


Announcing the release of Silverstripe CMS 4.6! Avoiding accidental content leaks and keeping the defaults secure but flexible

We’re excited to bring you our latest minor release, Silverstripe CMS 4.6. We've stayed focused on how to keep your content within Silverstripe CMS secure to avoid any potential content leaks.


2020 Community Survey—have your say!

It’s time to have your say again! We’re running our (slightly delayed) annual community survey. This is your chance to tell us about you, how you’re using Silverstripe CMS, and if we’re going in the right direction.


Silverstripe CMS 4.5 has arrived! Improving content editing, file management, and more

We're excited to bring you the latest minor release of Silverstripe CMS 4. Silverstripe CMS 4.5 is packed with improvements to general content editing tasks and file management, as well as lifting the accessibility of the content you create.


Site of the Month: Map Coffee

When Map Coffee became aware that their existing CMS was going end of life, they approached Sydney-based Silverstripe Professional Partner, UnDigital to rebuild their eCommerce website on Silverstripe CMS.


Latest update on the Silverstripe CMS support timeline

On the second anniversary of the Silverstripe CMS 4 release, we’re announcing some changes to our commercial support timelines to give website owners and digital agencies a longer range view, by extending support for Silverstripe CMS versions 3 and 4.
