A pirate themed website to promote Pirates Cove adventure golf, abandon hope all ye who enter here!

May, 2015

Pirates Cove is an adventure golf course where you can relive the epic struggles of life as a pirate on the high seas through the medium of minigolf. A lot of plundered loot has been invested in making the experience as exciting as possible and their old Google Sites website just didn't do the venue any justice whatsoever, so had to walk the plank.
We decided to use SilverStripe because pirates like Silver, they like gold more but we struggled to find a CMS that involved gold, doubloon or pieces of eight.
Technically, there's nothing much more than an out of the box SilverStripe install. Our favourite modules Focus Point and Responsive Images were really helpful in doing some of the heavy lifting with the huge images though, as well as a custom module to process images through TinyPNG that integrates with Responsive Images, the development required a great deal of rum.
Also, a talking skull. Team Bigfork had a lot of fun with this one.