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Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0 alpha release

Silverstripe CMS has hit a new milestone—Silverstripe CMS 6.0.0-alpha1 has been released. This marks the first step in the journey towards a stable release.

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Tag: Headless

First Table Leverages Silverstripe CMS and Gatsby

Gatsby is a development framework that delivers high performing websites and apps. And if you’re willing to experiment, it’s a match made in heaven with Silverstripe CMS. Lead Developer at First Table, Gene Dower shares his experience with this web development dream team.


Improving web performance with GatsbyJS

In the relentless pursuit of higher performing and more secure websites, we’ve been experimenting with static site generation. Silverstripe Principal Product Developer, Aaron Carlino shares his thoughts on GatsbyJS and some preliminary findings.


Site of the Month: Wellington Advent Calendar

January's Site of the Month has been been awarded to New Zealand-based SilverStripe Professional Partner, DNA, for the Wellington Advent Calendar. The site celebrates Christmas and promotes local businesses with a highly interactive user experience.


Why we’re excited about SilverStripe as a headless CMS

Finance is a highly competitive industry with a strong technology focus. In this post, Nick MacKay from Melbourne-based digital agency Spark Green tells us how companies in the finance sector can gain an advantage with headless CMS.


Video: StripeCon NZ 2017 - Aaron Carlino

The rise of the Headless CMS is now becoming realised for the SilverStripe community, with early adoption projects beginning to surface. In this talk from StripeCon NZ 2017, Aaron Carlino (Uncle Cheese) discusses and demos Headless SilverStripe by building a modern, API-driven application in SilverStripe 4.


The future of content delivery

How we produce, distribute and consume content is changing. To illustrate our thinking on the topic, our future of content delivery series in now available to download for free. If you're a marketer or CMS user, learn what is happening in the content space and what you should keep an eye out for.


StripeCon New Zealand 2017 - A recap

At the end of last month we put on the first StripeCon New Zealand event. It had the social fabric of a meetup, but the variety of talks and diversity of an international conference. In this blog post Aaron Carlino recaps StripeCon and what made it a success.
