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Win tickets to PHP Conference Wellington

The New Zealand PHP Conference is nearly here! Next Thursday & Friday (28th and 29th...

Posted in Developers, Company

Tagged PHP, conference

Comments 13

by Nicole Williams

Posted 22 August 2014

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The New Zealand PHP Conference is nearly here! Next Thursday & Friday (28th and 29th August 2014) PHP experts from across the globe will descend on Wellington to share their wisdom with the local developer community. We’ve got 2 two-day passes (valued at $510 each) to give away. Simply comment at the end of this post telling us who you’d be the most excited to hear and you could win!

There’s a fantastic speaker lineup for the event. Some highlights include:

Rasmus Lerdorf: The creator of PHP, having gotten the PHP project off the ground in 1995 and has contributed to a number of other open source projects over the years. He was an infrastructure architect at Yahoo! for more than 7 years and joined Etsy in 2012.

Brandon Savage - Brandon’s workshop on Design Patterns sold out in a flash but there’s still a chance to hear him live at the PHP Conference. Brandon is a software developer on the Socorro project - Firefox’s crash collection and analysis system. Brandon is a frequent speaker at conferences and user groups. He has spoken both nationally and internationally at conferences like OSCON, PHP UK, ZendCon and user groups like DC PHP and Baltimore PHP. Brandon is also the author of Mastering Object Oriented PHP and The PHP Playbook.

Nate Abele - Nate’s workshop “Wield AngularJS Like a Pro” is also a sell out. His take on Hypermedia APIs is sure to be interesting. Nate Abele first took an interest in programming at age 11, so you can obviously tell how cool he is. In the course of his career, he has mostly eschewed working for large companies, in favor of the culture found in small, independent businesses & startups. Nate has been employed by one of the most well-known and well-respected PHP consultancies in the world, and has worked on projects of all shapes and sizes.

Joshua Thijssen - There’s still limited places available at Joshua’s workshop on “Deep dive into the advanced PHP components”. Joshua is a freelance consultant, developer and trainer. His daily work consists of maintaining code bases, working on different projects and helping other to achieve higher standards in both coding and thinking. He is the lead developer of Saffire – a web/system language, author of the PHP|Architect book “Mastering the SPL library”, founder of the Dutch Web Alliance and regular speaker at national and international conferences.

Hamish Friedlander - last but certainly not least is our very own SilverStripe expert! Programming since childhood, Hamish has dedicated his life to technology. Hamish brings with him more than a decade of industry experience and a comprehensive knowledge of open source frameworks and languages. As SilverStripe’s CTO Hamish is focused on ensuring SilverStripe remains applicable to the evolving way humans use the internet, technologically advanced without becoming technical and future-focused without losing sight of the present. Additionally he regularly acts as tech lead for some of our most complex projects.

To see the full speaker line up go to New Zealand PHP Conference

Win tickets to the New Zealand PHP Conference

Limited tickets are still available for sale - but if you fancy heading along for free we have two conference tickets (valued at $510 each) to giveaway. 

 Simply comment below telling us the speaker you would be most excited to see and why to go in the draw.

The winner will be drawn 5pm Monday, 25th August 2014. The prize is for a two-day pass only, you’ll need to get yourself to Wellington if you're based out of town.

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  • Thanks for your comments guys... through the power of random Sam Minnée number generation, congrats to Mike Penhall and Andrew Lee. Free passes to PHP Conference NZ, email us your details. We'll put you on the door, please go to registration on the day.

    Posted by Cam Findlay, 25/08/2014 5:30pm (11 years ago)

  • Would love to hear what Kate Miller has to say. Being a female developer myself, unfortunately there still aren't many female developers around that I can learn from.

    I am also excited to hear from Hamish about the future of Silverstripe, and from the creator of PHP himself

    Posted by Mell, 25/08/2014 1:31pm (11 years ago)

  • Nate Abele: Would be excited to hear from Nate about AngularJS. Have started using Angular lately and very keen to learn more

    Posted by Andrew Lee, 25/08/2014 12:12pm (11 years ago)

  • Nate Abele -

    Would love to learn more about AnuglarJS as I have just started learning about it and applying to Silverstripe sites.

    Posted by Sam High, 25/08/2014 12:04pm (11 years ago)

  • Rasmus Lerdorf: I've never had the chance to hear/see him speak, considering I use PHP nearly every working day. I'm keen to hear about the future of PHP.

    Posted by Jeremy Shipman, 25/08/2014 12:04pm (11 years ago)

  • I'd love to hear the talk from Rasmus.

    There's nothing like hearing about it from the Creator.

    His background is certainly interesting

    Posted by Ben, 25/08/2014 11:25am (11 years ago)

  • Nate Abele: Because I'm one of the first adopters of the lithium php framework he created. I'd love to hear what he has to say about AngularJS too!

    Posted by Gian Basagre, 23/08/2014 10:19pm (11 years ago)

  • Nate Abele: I started learning Angular JS so it would really be helpful to listen to someone who knows about the framework, what it can offer and the advantages of using it.

    Brandon Savage: Learning best practice is my current goal and the best way to start it is to get more information about classic and modern design patterns used by the Pros.

    Hamish Friedlander: Do I really have to tell why I'm excited about Silverstripe?? :) I would really like to master SS and where should I get tips from?? Of course from the Master. :)

    Posted by Davis Dimalen, 22/08/2014 4:02pm (11 years ago)

  • Rasmus Lerdorf

    Posted by Sohail, 22/08/2014 3:46pm (11 years ago)

  • Really looking forward to Nate Abele - very interested in Angular JS at the moment.

    Posted by Mike Penhall, 22/08/2014 2:53pm (11 years ago)

  • Brandon Savage - "Design Patterns are hard" They got that right but that's what makes them one of the most interesting studies in not just PHP but any coding language. Having a firm foot in the door with many frameworks of various languages I've seen a lot of different design patterns and would be more than keen to join Brandon in a good discussion and gain more understanding of the design patterns used today.

    Posted by Matthew Hailwood, 22/08/2014 2:38pm (11 years ago)

  • I'd be the most excited to hear from Rasmus about the beginnings of PHP, what he's done since, and what he thinks about PHP's development since 1995.

    Posted by Ben Vidulich, 22/08/2014 1:14pm (11 years ago)

  • I'd be most excited about hearing Katie Miller as it's the only woman speaker of the conference and such conferences need more women :-)

    Posted by Michal Kleiner, 22/08/2014 1:11pm (11 years ago)

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